Our Technologies
Exhaust Air Technology
We develop and produce systems and plants for the efficient separation of industrial emissions.
- Dedusting plants and units for the separation of industrial dusts (Fine dust filter, large dedusting systems, Compact filter units...)
- Filter systems for the separation of mist and steam (oil mist separator, emulsion mist separators, release agent mist separators...)
- Hybrid filter systems for the simultaneous separation of dust, aerosols and gaseous emissions and smells.
Ventilation Technology
We develop and produce systems and plants for industrial indoor air purification. Our solutions also efficiently and economically released large industrial halls from diffuse emissions and waste heat. The holisitc solutions include energy-optimized capture and separation of emissions, ventilation, heat recovery and air conditioning in production.
Energy Technology, Heating & Cooling
We develop and produce systems and plants that significantly reduce the energy requirements of ventilation systems and recover waste heat. Our holistic solutions enable an energy-efficient and comfortable heating and cooling of the hall. This reduces operating costs and increases resource efficiency significantly and measurably.
Linking of
Ventilation Technology,
Exhaust Air Technology
& Energy Technik
We combine indoor air technology with exhaust air technology and energy technology in a unique way. The individual systems support each other and thus increase the function. Our years of experience and our unique know-how allow our customers to benefit twice: they receive a holistic solution with top performance, the acquisition and operating costs are lower than with standalone solutions.